
Thursday, 24 November 2011

Be careful, this blog's terms and conditions. Bahasa and English

Bahasa Indonesia:

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Hati Hati!

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Maintaining Solutions and Reducing unsolved problems in reality while using this blog:

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25 November 2011

Friday, 9 September 2011

Sunday, 28 August 2011


The scarcity of the world is not of time nor energy but of mutual solutions.

We all want to be rich, not just of money, but most importantly of solutions. And as we are not alone in this world, the only solution to face the reality is to have mutual solutions.

People who provide solutions, are people who deserve rewards. But not all rewards could be satisfied by money. The government give to providers of solutions special privileges for providers of solutions to own their products.

Its like giving back to prometheus who brought fire to humanity, providers of solutions became gods of the world, having the right to took away some freedom in the public domain for themselves.

And this might be perceived as invasion to the public domain, but the reason behind it is again what is life without solutions... what is richness without solutions... its all about solutions, therefore to treat providers of solutions Godlike is considered as ok.

Personally I say there might be other ways to nurture solutions... but to say that current laws of intellectual property is completely inappropriate I disagree.

Sunday, 10 July 2011

3 Values in Intellectual Property Laws v.07

1. Royalty value.
The scarcity of the world is not of time nor energy but of mutual solutions. There are 2 kinds of people or entities that deserve rewards; firstly the creators of solutions, secondly those who share the solutions.

These are 2 different acts, creating a solution sometimes is not as easy as just sharing the solutions. That's why people should pay royalties to those who created the solutions even when they had paid those who distribute the solutions.

2. Privacy Values.
So you created a song for your sister's wedding, and you only want to show it to family and friends but not to the public... you should have the right to do so. Ofcourse it should be obvious or made obvious that the event was private so that whatever materials in the event, people are not going to share it to strangers.

But nowadays, people want to make everything private. They even ban copying materials from one computer to a phone. This is very wrong in my opinion because, living people have memories, and memory is all about copying. It's just wrong to ban people from using their life support tools.

If you want to keep it secret, then don't share it without the recepient explicitly agreed to your terms and conditions first. That's my opinion.

3. Identity Value.
Trademarks, and Geographical indicators are laws that I don't want to complain about. They are good and I think copyright laws should be updated accordingly with them.

Say you made a funny character to advertise your Mom's product. Somebody else copied it exactly to advertise their product. That's misrepresentation of identity, because people might think that you also endorse their product.


So in my opinion people got confused of the intellectual property laws, because these values are vaguely mixed up within the way the laws are presented. Therefore there are 3 instances when payments were relevant:

1. When creators finished a working product, consumers rewarded for the care and effort.
2. When some consumers were given access to privately kept solutions, they reward for the exclusive access. Ofcourse this shouldn't apply for broadcasted materials
3. When a finished products were used to attract customers, users reward the creators for their marketing support or endorsements.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Syarat dan Ketentuanku

Seandainya ada yang mempercayakan saya menjual cd kotbah, lagu, atau filmnya. Saya akan menempatkan script syarat dan ketentuan didepan cd agar calon pembeli bisa membaca:

1. Agar mereka yang membuat konten ini bisa mendapatkan uang penjualan, pemerintah telah mengatur agar merekalah satu-satunya pihak yang berhak untuk menentukan bagaimana isi dari cd ini disebar luaskan.

2. Agar anda hanya menggunakan isi cd ini untuk pribadi anda saja, atau keluarga, dan menjaga agar isi dari cd ini tidak disebar-luaskan kepada pihak-pihak selain anda.

3. Kalau anda memiliki cara lain agar pembuat konten ini bisa mendapatkan uang, silakan memberikan aspirasi anda kepada dpr agar hukumnya bisa diaturkan.

4. Selama hal itu belum terwujud, kami mengandalkan anda untuk menghormati hukum ini, dan untuk tidak membeli, atau menggunakan produk ini kalau anda tidak setuju dengan syarat dan ketentuan ini.

Undang-Undang no 19 tahun 2002.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Pirates = Secret Leakers v.02

Shouldn't people have the right to keep secrets? Shouldn't people have the right on regulating how their secrets be spread?

To say that breaching copyright is like breaching on property, or stealing, in my opinion is not as intuitive as saying breaching copyright is a like breaching on privacy.

Authors should have the right, to keep their work with them, and regulate how their work be shared. Like a diary, people should not read your diary without your permission.

But then musics and pictures are made available to the public. They could hear it, they could remember it... so what's wrong in keeping them in your iphones, or computers... isn't it just like taking notes on stuff? How's that breaching privacy?

So this is where the problem lies... somehow copyright wants to regulate that users shouldn't make copies on things. This is strange and very very unintuitive to the point that it feels wrong. People learn by memorizing stuff, that's copying realities, now we have all these disks that accomodates our memory and we don't get to use it? WHat an annoying rule!

Its hard for me to defend this... if you bother enforcing on rules about how people manage their memories, why worry that people who made copies might had spread the content? Just cut the no copying part, leave the don't spread it without permission part, and lets all move on with our lives.

I'm not too excited about making this comment, I'm sorry... but I don't think I'm wrong

comments on this youtube page,

I think piracy is not good. Imagine you have a child, who's really good at art. Really good at bringing people together and feel emphaty about each other... probably he/she could end some conflicts in Africa... But because of our generation didn't invest enough to create order that supports authors of mutual solutions / against piracy... he/she would have to compete to be a doctor, or a merchant, or a banker, or whatever it is that he/she is not.

Now imagine the actual doctors, or merchants, or bankers. The real talented guys wouldn't want to worry about competition, right? They just want to worry about creating the very very good products that they've always wanted to create. But then along came these people, who don't really care, and make them have to worry too much about politics... My point is... piracy is not good for the economy. I'm open for inputs...

Monday, 20 June 2011

The Privacy Policy of This blog v.07

Bahasa Indonesia:
Kalau anda menggunakan custom search google, dan/atau mengclick salah satu iklan dari hasil pencarian anda, atau dari adsense di blog ini, ada kemungkinan pihak ketiga (google, atau yang diizinkan oleh google) akan menanamkan kuki (cookie) dan membaca cookie yang ada di browser anda.
Ada juga kemungkinan informasi-informasi tentang lokasi anda, ip address anda, tentang komputer anda, di ambil dan digunakan oleh google atau pihak-pihak ketiga tersebut.
Secara hukum anda berhak untuk mengatur bagaimana informasi anda dipergunakan, kalau tidak mau diberi cookie atau dibaca cookienya, anda dapat menonaktifkan fitur cookie dari settingan dari browser anda.
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25 November 2011

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Kenapa beli original Microsoft Windows?

Karena dengan membeli original produk, kita mendukung hukum yang mendukung kehidupan para pemberi solusi yang mendukung kehidupan kita.