
Saturday, 22 September 2012

Kenapa Hukum Kekayaan Intelektual begitu repot?

Pertama tama, menurut saya, logika dibalik hukum kekayaan intelektual adalah kebebasan dan harga diri buat mereka yang menghasilkan solusi.
Solusi adalah kekayaan dunia, uang boleh banyak tapi kalau tidak ada solusi itu semua tidak berguna.

Oleh sebab itu, para pembuat solusi harus dihargai seperti para pedagang atau pabrik pembuat barang.
Bayangkan, masa penjual sapi bisa menolak kalau harganya ditawar terlalu murah tapi musisi, ilmuan, dan programmer tidak bisa?
Masak mereka tidak bisa bilang "eh, jangan, jangan konsumsi atau gunakan produkku tanpa izinku... bayar dulu lah peng yo?"

Inilah logika dari HAKI, yaitu kemampuan untuk menolak, atau harga diri. Dan hal inilah yang membuat sulit orang mengabolisi hukum HAKI.
Secara pribadi saya punya solusinya, tapi sebaiknya dipraktekkan rame-rame, yaitu mem-post bukti pembayaran atau struk pembayaran di profile page. Orang-orang yang tidak punya struk berarti belum bayar, dan kalau mereka menggunakan banyak hasil kekayaan intelektual, berarti mereka kurang etis, atau beresiko tinggi diajak berbisnis. (nota bisa digantikan stiker, stiker perunggu untuk yang murah, stiker emas atau platinum untuk yang mahal, tapi harus asli bertanda-tangan digital dsb).

Tapi kembali lagi kepada topik, sapi kan terbatas, tapi musik bisa dikopi terus? Kenapa masih pake HAKI juga? Jawabannya tetap saja, semua solusi itu berharga, yang membawanya ke alam kita harus diperlakukan dengan baik. Pemerintah memperlakukan mereka dengan baik, dengan cara memberi mereka hak seperti itu.
Kenapa ratusan tahun yang lalu kecepatan perkembangan teknologi begitu lambat, sedangkan seratus tahun terakhir begitu cepat? Apakah karena Inggris mencetuskan konsep paten / haki?
Berpartisipasilah, berterima kasihlah kepada sumber solusi, seperti memelihara hutan dan laut, semua sumber solusi harus dipelihara.

Ada tanggapan?

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Indonesia Reciprocating Foundation

This is just my imaginary foundation, where people pay to companies or authors that have created products that have been used and/or are being useful to the lives of the people. Some of these people could be those who think the benefits contributed by these services have exceeded expectations and consider these authors deserve more help than what previously have been paid to them.
People could give like 5000, 10,000, 20,000 rupiahs at a time. When the amounts became significant enough, these would be sent to the respective companies. Like Ubuntu, other Open source authors, Proprietary companies etc.

Gerakan indonesia mau berterimakasih

Ini adalah organisasi yayasan khayalan saya, dimana organisasi ini mengumpulkan uang
dari para pengguna produk-produk dan kemudian uangnya dikirim kepada produsen yang bersangkutan.
Produsen-produsen yang akan diberikan uang kira-kira:
- Microsoft
- Ubuntu
- Adobe
- Para programmer open source lainnya
- Universal studio and music
- Pixar
- Konami
- Bandai
- Squaresoft
- Norton
- Nero
- Unilever
- Perusahaan pharmacy yang obatnya dicopy
- Dll.
Kenapa dibutuhkan yayasan? Karena setiap orang mungkin cuma kontribusi,
5000, 10000 rupiah, agar bisa cukup signifikan harus dikumpul semua baru kemudian
dibuatkan proposal langsung kepada perusahaan-perusahaan untuk menerima pemberian tersebut.

Mereka yang menyumbang dapat juga terdiri dari orang-orang yang menganggap bahwa pertolongan yang telah disediakan oleh para author/sumber ini melebihi harapan, dan dianggap pantas untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak pertolongan lagi daripada jumlah yang telah dibayarkan sebelumnya.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Intellectual Property Law and Maintaining Mutual Solutions v.02

The scarcity of the world is not of time nor energy but of mutual solutions.
I believe so, and that's why I support the culture of giving back to the sources of solutions. Including authors of softwares, musics, and movies.
And now I have another peace with the idea of Intellectual Property.

When comes to solutions we must talk about 2 other things:
1. Who or What is the source of the solutions
2. How to maintain the level of availability of the solutions
3. How to keep on having relevant solutions available

Intellectual property wants to maintain the level of availability of mutual solutions in reality, not only it encourages payment to sources of solutions, but also it accomodates the source of the solutions to dictate how the solutions were used. In my view this serve the purpose of maintaining the solutions.

So the payment and the licenses we adhere to is not only for the sake of giving thanks to the source of solutions, but also direct action in maintaining the level of availability of the solutions.
In short, we pay to the source, as well as the maintainer.

Therefore I propose a system that might be used in alternative to Intellectual property. Besides the Golden Sticker,
there should also be an account for the maintainers of the solutions.
Intellectual property law doesn't separate these two, I think it will be useful to separate these accounts.

Therefore everytime one is putting himself outthere, people would look at his/her profile and see whether or not this guy have paid to the sources of solutions and the maintainers of the solutions.
If it shows that the person doesn't prioritizing on giving thanks and maintaining mutual solutions, people would prioritize him/her less in business. Naturally this is only appropriate because the scarcity of the world is not of time nor energy nor money but of mutual solutions.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Piracy, Who's at Loss? v.11 (after some grammatical corrections)

Many claim that piracy has cost billions of losses to the authors of softwares. Just by google searching this topic went up (16'th of April 2012).
Lets define loss, for one see merriam-webster's definition.
And, here's my definition of loss, I would separate 2 types of losses:
1. Loss as the perception or the believe that the rate of one's ability to help himself/herself has become less than previously.
2. Loss as the reality check of one's sense of entitlement.
Apparently some troll decided to propose this delusional idea that some companies whose products are so expensive, have endured billions of dollars of losses due to piracy in Indonesia. This delusional sense of entitlement is trolling, as I believe these people are smart people knowing well that the world doesn't work like that.

If many pirates in Indonesia whose income are less than 1000 USD per month, suddenly decide to stop not giving thanks to their sources of solutions, they wouldn't keep on depending on the big popular proprietary companies. They would use open source solutions, and even when they really needed to use proprietary software they'd consider the option to use one software collectively. Therefore the billions of dollars of losses of these corporations, directly due to piracy in Indonesia is delusional and is not true.

You could argue that if people have decided not to pirate, they would've had a more collaborrative lifestyles, figured out many better solutions, were much richer, have expanded their businesses and so would have had the ability to buy a lot of products including the big international expensive software products.
But even so, how could you be sure that the supposed huge sums of amounts must belong to you? This claim is just too over the top. 

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

My Intellectual Property Rewarding Model for the Internet v.02

Now digital sharing has been a trend for many people. Many materials that are not licensed to be shared by the authors were shared through digital media. What's the solution for this matter? Many say that the IP Law contains obselete orders, therefore I want to propose my model in hope that it could contribute to the solution/s of the problem